The church of Agios Savas was built in 1579 by the hieromonk Chrysolouras, in the area where the dead of the naval battle of Nafpaktos (1571), whose bodies were carried by the waves to Zakynthos, were buried.
During Easter 1712, the body of five-year-old John Zervos was buried in the church, who was found drowned in the "Punta of Davia" with wounds on his hands and feet.
This discovery upset the people, who accused the Jews and carried out violence against them until the authorities managed to control the disorder.
From then on, the temple was called by the people "of the Crucifixion" and this name was eventually extended.
In 1717 the church was owned by the Delazari and Tzelemas families and in 1881 by the Mercati and Verykios families.
In the church is buried the monk Anthimos Argyropoulos.